The characters for today's bento are Duffy and Shellie May from Disney. But I got the proportion wrong somewhere though, my Duffy and Shellie May onigiri looks quite different from the real Mccoy. We bought home Duffy and Shellie May from our last trip to Disneysea. LT's in love with Duffy and I adore Shellie May, so Daddy got us a pair. Check out some of the pictures after the lunch boxes.

Shellie May for LT

Duffy for IT

IT's snack for school

Duffy store at Disneysea, tokyo

We wanted these, but they were expensive.

So, we settled for these smaller ones. They are pouches, and can be hang around your bag.

Our Duffy at Disneysea

And our Shellie May at Disneysea
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