I wanted to make pink bunnies today, but I did not have enough pink coloring in the packet to color my batch of rice. So I thought I'll just use a bit of red, and they'll turn out pink. Disaster! That did not work and I ended up with unevenly colored orangy red rice. :( Duh, me and my 'genius' idea. :( I should have just left them white, coz I made one of them from bread and that turned out the nicest.

IT's bento for recess, in the box are bread ball with pork floss, breadcrumbs coated meatballs, grapes and jellybeans.

IT's lunch bento, in the box are rice, breadcrumbs coated meatballs, jellybeans and golden kiwi.

LT's lunch bento, same items as IT's lunch.

LT's bento for school, in the box are rice, breadcrumb coated meatballs, jellybeans and grapes.

LT is bringing a bento to school today, so there 4 bentos for today. :)

Mummy's having korean spicy squid and ham/cheese omelette. This spicy squid is a good alternative to sambal squid when I'm lazy to grind the spices. :P

IT's bento for recess, in the box are bread ball with pork floss, breadcrumbs coated meatballs, grapes and jellybeans.

IT's lunch bento, in the box are rice, breadcrumbs coated meatballs, jellybeans and golden kiwi.

LT's lunch bento, same items as IT's lunch.

LT's bento for school, in the box are rice, breadcrumb coated meatballs, jellybeans and grapes.

LT is bringing a bento to school today, so there 4 bentos for today. :)

Mummy's having korean spicy squid and ham/cheese omelette. This spicy squid is a good alternative to sambal squid when I'm lazy to grind the spices. :P