Thursday 21 February 2013

Hina Matsuri Bento

I still have some bentos not shared but I thought I will share the Hina Matsuri bentos I've made today first. Hina Matusuri or Girls' Day is a festival in Japan. The family in Japan celebrates the festival by displaying cute small dolls and the emperor and the empress lie on the top row.  And it's very common to see Japanese making the emperor and empress in their bentos as they get near to this festival. :)

Here's my set of emperor and empress for my boys' lunch. Emperor is made from rice, spinach, nori, ham and cheese. Empress is made from rice, crabstick, nori, ham and cheese.

The other food are broccoli, honey baked wings and strawberries.

I made another version for their snackbox. These are jam sandwiches, packed with grapes and meatballs.

The dolls are made from fish sausage, ham, nori, cheese and bubu arare. :)
Bunting - Dots and Stripes - Rainbow - 1
Where to get same or similar items seen in today's post:


  1. So creative! Love how you wrapped spinach around the emperor, looks so nicely done!

  2. What a cute bento for the celebration and I love your tiny details on the dolls, too cute!:)

  3. I love Hinamatsuri! Yours is fabulous!


  4. Super in loved of your Hinamatsuri!!


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