Tuesday 19 February 2013

Trudeau Trapeze Lunch Bag Review

Hee, no post yesterday because I was busy as usual in the day. When I finally had some time at night, I was busy catching up on a drama online instead. Got addicted to yet another drama, and am trying to quickly finish all the episodes. :P

I'm reviewing the Trudeau Fuel Trapeze lunch bag for today.

The bag comes in 4 colours, the ones I received are green and grey. It's a good quality lunch bag, the outside is fabric and the liner is made of PVC and lead free. The bag is also insulated. Like all other Trudeau Fuel products, the bag comes with 5 years warranty, is BPA free and made out of environmentally friendly materials.

The bag has a wide base, which I like, it can even fit in the sandwich box flat. If you pack charaben, you will know that the bento has to lay flat in the lunch bag. I also like that the bag opens in front, and allows for easier access to the stuff. This lunch bag is included in the Trudeau giveaway this Thursday, please check back if you are interested.

Made Mame Goma playing in curry last Friday. :)

Details are done with nori, ham and egg white. I soaked the egg white in water coloured with butterfly pea flower to get the blue colour.

Mame Goma is happy with the fish he caught, lol. :P


  1. Your lunches are so cute! Love it!

  2. Oh my freaking word....you have outdone yourself! This is absolutely ADORABLE!


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