Thursday 23 May 2013

Totoro on Soup

It has been a relaxing week since the exams are over. We have gotten back IT's exam results. He has done very well for his Mathematics and Science but his English and Chinese results are below our expectations. Looks like we have to work on those two subjects. Overall, We are still happy with his results. :)

I'm going to hold a 500th post giveaway next Tuesday. The giveaway post will be up on Monday night and you can join after midnight. There will be lots of goodies, so do join in if you are interested.

I'm sharing some soup art which I made last week. Both creations features my favourite Totoro. This was pumpkin soup. Totoro is made from toasted bread, cheese and nori.

A close up shot. :p

This was tomato soup.

Totoro is made from toasted wrap, nori and cheese. The umbrella is made from yellow capsicum.

It's a holiday here tomorrow, happy long weekend! :)
Where to get same or similar items seen in today's post:


  1. Cute Totoro and such a great idea to have them above soups. Great job IT and have a great long weekend! :)

  2. So cute! Such great ideas for decorating soup, and I love the umbrella!

  3. Very impressive and excited when totoro hold the umbrella! Awesome!

  4. Cute and great idea to have totoro toast on top of the soup instead of plain bread toast. You teach me 1 more skill !😜thanks

  5. Such a great idea for the soup!! thanks for sharing

  6. This totoro soup is great. Love the idea of using a toast for decorating soup

  7. I love your soup art so much! Those Totoros are fantastic!

  8. Super liked!!! So adorable especially the one on the tomato soup, cheeky expression. Fm ET


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