Tuesday 26 June 2012

Perry Platypus Bento

This is a request from the boys, and they asked for Perry with his hat. Perry is a character from Phineas and Ferb cartoon, he is usually just a platypus, but once he wears his hat, he becomes Agent P. lol, I dunno whether I've got it right, I have never watched the cartoon before.

And so Perry for the boys today, with rice coloured with deco furi, chicken nuggets, broccoli, golden kiwis and strawberries.

The boys asked why is the hat so small? :P

And for School, they had Agent P made from spinach bread, with nuggets and grapes.

Peanut butter for IT and strawberry jam for LT.

Chicken nuggets hidden under the leaf baran.

Fried tofu puffs for my lunch, they were from dinner last night, I fried it again before my lunch. They do not stay crispy for long, so it's best to fry them just before you are eating. Recipe at the bottom of the post.

Here's how the tofu puffs look like straight from the pack.

The tofu puffs turned inside out and stuffed with meat. They look ugly, but don't worry, they will look nicer after you fry them. :)


10 tofu puffs
200g minced pork
100g fish paste
100g minced prawns
1 tsp salt

  1. Cut a slit on one side of the tofu puff and gently separate the insides.
  2. Turn the tofu puff inside out and set aside.
  3. Mix all the other ingredients together.
  4. Stuff the tofu puff with mixture #3.
  5. Deep fry till golden brown.
  • You can shallow fry them too. The tofu puffs you see in my pictures are shallow fried.


  1. I love Perry! Your bread is soooooo perfect!
    And thanks for the recipe of the tofu puffs. I will try them :D

  2. wow~ that's so impressive! i instantly know who he was though i do not know him by his name. my girls love watching this anime too. quickly showed my girls their favourite cartoon character and they just went "woo---ahh---!". LOL.

    your fried tofu looks yummy. but i m just too lazy to do deep frying stuff in the kitchen. too much to clean up. maybe will pass the recipe to my mom and haha...

    1. Tks a lot, TM. I nvr watched the cartoons but was introduced to the main characters by the boys, lol. I almost nvr deep fry too, use up too much oil n I dun recycle oil. What I always do s just shallow fry with a v thin layer of oil on happycall, wks pretty well n kitchen not tt oily as deep frying.

  3. Very nice! Did you make your own spinach bread?

  4. love the perry bento, I love the cartoon also. My son will love this bento so much. The tofu puff, I have tried them before and they are good but I have never tried to make them before myself. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Tks, Lorraine. :) Give the bento n puffs a try, hope u will like them. :)

  5. Wow... The sandwich looks super cute!


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