Thursday 20 September 2012

Sausage Bunny Bento

Did you manage to find the bento treasure at the Pirate hop yesterday? Congrats, if you did and I hope you had fun along the way. :) You still have until Sunday midnight EST to enter the giveaway. Trust me, the treasure is worth the extra effort, you won't want to miss it. Hope over to my pirate post to do the hop if you have not. :)

The boys asked for cold soba for today, but I forgot to buy some yesterday, so I packed them some cold somen instead. :)

Made sausage bunnies to decorate the bento. :)

For lunch, I packed cold somen, grilled chicken, grapes and strawberries. They are having lunch at home, so I just kept the somen sauce in the fridge.

I packed their somen in thermal containers for School.

I also packed grilled chicken and grapes for them.

Items used for today's bentos:


  1. owwwww super duper cute ,,, I love your idea with sausages bunnies ,, so lovable

  2. Those bunnies are adorable and goes so well with the picks! Make a great Easter bento too :)

  3. I loove bunnies, so I am always happy when I see bunny bentos. Your sausage bunnies seem to be having fun in the middle of the somen, they are cute.

  4. Wow a great bunny! So many the neat things you can make out of those tiny sausages; Wonderful!


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