Wednesday 11 July 2012

Bee Bento

I've made bees from rice, cheese and crepes before. Here's a slightly different version for today, one set made from rice and the other from bread. :)

Rice coloured with pumpkin powder and tumeric colouring, does not affect the taste. You can also use mashed egg yolk, gives the same nice yellow colour too. :) Bee wings are made from hard boiled egg white.

The rest of the food in the box are chicken, broccoli, golden kiwis, strawberries, oranges and blueberries.

These bees are made from corn bread. The bee's wings in LT box are made from cheese instead, he hates eggs. -_-

Other food in the box are chicken and grapes. :)

Just bought these Japanese boxes. :) Whenever we visit the food court or hawker centre, the boys will look for a Japanese stall and order their food from there. So here's my attempt to replicate a set for them, food was also cooked according to their request, lol. This was dinner for them, rice in the box with spinach, chicken, shishamo and miso soup.

My dinner, just chicken, shishamo and greens.

Just received this set of Shinzi Katoh sauce bottles from Jmama today. I've been looking around for cute containers and Jmama has kindly offered to sponsor this set. I will be using them in my bentos tomorrow, so do check back again. :)


  1. Very cute! I had never heard of pumpkin powder. Thanks for the new ingredient.

  2. The bee is absolutely cute! How do you able to mould the bread so perfectly? Mine so ugly! LOL

    1. Tks, Yenn. I use cling wrap to mould, but the ugly parts are hidden, lol. :)


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