Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Bento

It's not the first time I'm making The Very Hungry Caterpillar from Eric Carle's book. You can click HERE to check out my previous version. :) This is a book I used to read to my boys when they were little. :)

The caterpillar's body was made from rice mixed with Aonori. The head was rice wraped with crabstick. The other details were done using eggsheet, nori and cheese.

The bento also contains meat patties, golden kiwis, grapes, strawberries and tomato.

The caterpillar in this toastart version is made from tomatoes and cucumbers.

I made this for myself, my boys hate cucumbers and tomatoes, lol. They are happy to just watch me gobble this up. :P
Where to get same or similar items used in today's bentos:


  1. Love your Hungry Caterpillar!

  2. They are super cute!:) I have not made any hungry caterpillar yet and have to give it a try someday.

  3. This is my first time on your page! I LOVE the Very Hungry Caterpillar lunches! Very cute! I spotted it on the ''What's for Lunch?" link-up and had to check it out. :)

    Great work.

    Happy Packing!


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