Monday 21 April 2014

Easter Egg Carton Chicken Bento

Oops, this post should have been up last Friday, but I was lazy to turn on my laptop. How did your Easter break go?  Ours was not as relaxing, as my boys' exams are coming soon, we started on some revisions.  We did slot in some outdoor activities, so it's not all work.

I managed to make one more Easter bento just before Good Friday. I still have more ideas, I've yet to make any bunnies, guess I'll save all those ideas for next year.

These egg carton hens and chicks are definitely not limited to Easter, you can make them anytime of the year. I created them in different expressions just for fun.

I made chickens in egg carton last year as well. You can check out that post HERE.

Ingredients used for the chickens were rice, carrots, nori and ham. As for the chicks, I used rice mixed with mashed egg yolk, carrot, egg, nori and ham.
Where to get same or similar items used in today's post:


  1. 妈呀!好想统统带回家^^

  2. It is so difficult to get this this cute tray, where you get this from?

    1. Sannee, I bought this in Japan. You can try looking at chocolate Easter eggs, I've seen them in trays.

  3. Awww these are so cute! Love their expressions!

  4. Too cute!! I have been wanting to make a egg carton bento. hahah maybe next year!


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