Tuesday 18 October 2011

Lunch in a cup

IT has no school today, so we went out on a date to Daiso. There was nothing much at the bento section, my boy ended up with more items than me! :)

I decided to serve the boys' lunch in cups for today. They each have 3 cups, one for the mains, one for the sides and a last one for fruits. :) We all ate together after fetching LT.

The boys' bentos for today, I think it's a great idea to pack this way for a picnic too. I'm using pudding cups for this and they come with a dome shaped cover as well.

Bento for IT, in the cups are sushi rice, tobiko, sausage, lemon chicken cutlets, grapes and golden kiwis. This is probably the last time I will serve them lemon chicken for bentos, they dun keep well as the sauce has to be eaten hot, it will turn jelly-like after cooling down. So, I ended up scraping it off and adding mayo to their cutlets instead. :(

Bento for LT, exactly the same items as above.

My lunch, just chicken cutlets and broccoli with crabstick.


  1. So cute! The cup with the little bear is my favorite! I have so many little plastic cups for Tot School. I'll have to serve lunch in them one day. The kids would get a kick out of that!
    ~Rebecca, Bentos on the Bayou

    1. Tks, Rebecca. Yes, I'm sure ur kids will love the novelty of eating out fr cups. :)


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