Monday 10 October 2011

Polka Dots Ears Bunnies Bento

I think I woke up from the wrong side of the bed today, been feeling really moody and lethargic since morning. The bento did not turned out the way I wanted, but I was
rushing for time, so I just left it. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for me. :)

IT's lunch box, with furikake onigiri, teriyaki meatballs and golden kiwi.

LT's lunch box, same items as above. I had wanted to use some pink sugar as the bunny's blusher, but they were so difficult to apply. So I gave up and dabbed on some tomato sauce instead, but you can still see some of the pink sugar if you look closely.

IT's snack box, with furikake onigiri, teriyaki meatballs and grapes.

Bentos for today.


  1. Hi... Kristen from Cookie Cutter Lunch here...

    In responce to your e-mail to me... Yes, e-mail me at your shipping address and what you would like to order and I will send you an invoice through paypal.

  2. Those are so cute. Must pin! These would be perfect for this week's Smiles theme for Bento of the Week at Bento Blog Network.

  3. @Bobo, tks! :)
    @cookiecutterlunch, I've emailed.
    @Diana, tks! I've submitted another one earlier for smiles. :))


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