Tuesday 11 October 2011

Pigs Burgers Bento

I've been craving for some beef burgers, so I decided to make all of us one today. The beef patties were prepared yesterday. I pan fried them this morning with an egg, so the bentos were done quite fast today. :) Instead of serving the boys' lunch in lunch boxes, I decided to serve them in wooden boxes today. I've a weakness for wooden boxes and can't resist buying nice ones. :) The boys' tables and cupboards are full of them. :P

LT's bento, in the box are beef cheese burger with ketchup, nachos and apples. I saw hubby eating a big packet of nachos last night and told him to leave some for the boys' bentos. :)

IT's bento, same sides as LT's, but he gets a beef cheese burger with egg and mayo.

IT's recess bento, in the box are half a beef egg burger with ketchup, grapes and marshmallows.

The 3 piggies for today. :)

I ate the other half of IT's burger from his recess bento. :P On my plate are beef egg burger and salad greens in balsamic dressing. Yum, how satisfying. :)


  1. hmm.. ya.. how satisfying...

  2. You are so productive! Love to see your cute posts :)

  3. Wooden boxes cute...piggy burgers...even cuter!

  4. Cute little piggies. May I know where did u buy the 'newspaper' lookalike wax paper and the picks? Thanks

  5. @Bobo, yeah! :)

    @Lia, tks! I'm addicted so will usually make charabens whenever they hv school. :)

    @Diana, tks! Yes, wooden boxes are so pretty. :)

    @ourjoy, where are you located? Picks on burger were fr bentocraft, picks on apples were fr daiso, wax paper I bot thro taobao.

  6. These are so cute! I love that you made three.


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