For lunch, the boys had salmon bread cups, with fried chicken and grapes. :)

Hee, not exactly a bento box today, I'm using a baking dish. :P

The usual sandwich for the boys' snack boxes.

They also had fried chicken and strawberries.

This was my dinner, ee fu noodles with fried chicken and grapes.

I kept a huge bowl of the noodles for my lunch today, lol
I'm off to fetch IT after this post, he's knocking off early from School today. And he has to report very early for School tomorrow, just for 3 hours, so we will be off to shop while LT is at School. Yay! :)
I will close the Trudeau Fuel sandwich box after today, so if you would like to take part, please leave your name soon. Thank you for participating and good luck. :)
Stuff used for today's bentos:

Japanese characters are always very cute although I have not seen these characters yet. I love the way you made the scarfs!