Friday 11 October 2013

Hello Kitty Pumpkin Bento

For today's post, I'm sharing a Hello Kitty in a pumpkin costume, which I made for my boys' lunch last week. The inspiration for this came from Daisy Selalu's Halloween bento last year, she has a similar creation made using cheese and egg sheets.

My Hello Kitty is made using rice instead. Orange rice is coloured with mashed steamed pumpkin. I used egg sheet for the green portions, and the red bow is made using crabstick.

I cooked mini hamburg and grilled salmon to go with the rice. I also packed in lettuce, kiwis, grapes and strawberries. :)

It's Friday again, exams are coming though, so we will be stuck at home doing revisions most of the time. -_-
Where to get same or similar items used in today's post:


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